Compassion Tree Healing

with Megumi Burr-Tolliver

for nurturers who need nurturing too

for compassionately knowing your self

for rooting into aliveness

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Meet Megumi

When I was a teenager, I knew that I wanted to “help and understand people and myself.” In hindsight, I grew up in a world where feelings, and other things that didn’t fit in a certain box of being respectable and intelligent, were not acknowledged. So some of my heart and spirit got tucked away, even from myself.

I got a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and started to uncover my heart through plants and intentional community. The next few years included biodynamic gardening and lifesharing with developmentally disabled folks in a Camphill Community, and earthen building and permaculture in Thailand.

I really stepped into being a healer in Holistic Health Practitioner training in 2007. Here I started supporting myself and others to feel what’s going on inside. From here I was drawn to continue with energy healing, massage, doula and holistic teaching trainings. 

I began Compassion Tree Mama Care in 2009, supporting pregnant and postpartum folks to build compassion for themselves and trust their innate wisdom. My roles evolved as a doula, massage therapist, and then yoga and movement teacher (after more trainings). Along the way I also led workshops and classes for a broader group of folks, nurturing their self-acceptance and trust of their innate wisdom.

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing brought a way to deepen awareness of what goes on inside, and clear the patterns that keep people stuck. I’ve found this body of work to be amazingly systematic, while also continually deepening in the mystery of the Divine. I became a practitioner in 2015, and continue with trainings several times a year to deepen my tools and capacity. 

I love noticing little details in nature, like how a sprout develops, or the path water takes around rocks and sticks. I’ve lived in community most of my adult life, with housemates in urban and suburban homes, and working on the land together in rural intentional community.

Megumi is one of those individuals you meet and are instantly put at ease and feel like you’ve known her for a really long time. She is compassionate and takes the time to really focus on your needs and wants.
– Jeanne, pregnancy massage recipient

You are very good at guiding people to relax, receive and allow. And you have a really good grasp of spirituality, healing, living life as a Human Being and consciousness.
– Caleb, energy healing recipient

Nurturing for Nurturers

Nurturing Mini-Healing (free)

Experience ease, peace, safety and/or clarity, for whatever’s up for you.

Friday 9/20/24

This free Nurturing Mini-Healing brings ease, peace, safety and/or clarity, as needed, for whatever’s up for you at the time.

Angelic Heart will be the healing tool for nearly all of the session. Angelic Heart is an energetic healing tool from VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing that brings in angelic light and consciousness. This tool is very nurturing and brings a sense of safety and ease. It helps you to let go of emotional drama, inviting in new perspective and clarity.

Receive this session from your own space, wherever you are. There is no Zoom connection. Just set yourself up in a quiet space without distractions, and be open to receiving healing.

This session is limited to 10 participants. Signups close 30 minutes before session start, or when the event is full.


Nurture Your Inner Smile

Nurture your smile toward all of yourself.

Saturday 9/28/24

This Nurturing for Nurturers session is inspired by the practice of the inner smile – a practice of gently, compassionately smiling within, toward yourself and all parts of yourself.

While the phrase is rooted in teachings of Taoist Inner Alchemy, across traditions there are similar teachings to support inner joy, energy cultivation and harmonizing, compassion, lightness and well-being.

What parts of you do you naturally and easily smile upon? What do you notice when you smile within?

What parts of you are harder to smile upon? What happens when you smile upon something within that is unpleasant, or a “problem” part?

In this session, you’ll receive energetic support to quietly drop in with your relationship with smiling within. VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing will then nurture transformation of a blockage or resistance to smiling within – one that is most ready and helpful to shift.

Divine Laughter, one of VortexHealing®’s tools, will provide a joyful closing to the session.

I will be using the Magical Jewel, the newest VortexHealing® tool, along with other highest-level VortexHealing® tools.

Receive this session from your own space, wherever you are. There is no Zoom connection. Just set yourself up in a quiet space without distractions, and be open to receiving healing.

This session is limited to 8 participants. Ticket sales close 30 minutes before session start, or when the event is full.


Nurturing for Nurturers are small group healings with Megumi Burr-Tolliver that give you nurturing for your heart, mind, body and energy with VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing.

For updates on future dates, get my emails. You’ll get my latest events & writings on compassionate, rooted aliveness.

One-on-One Support

One-on-one sessions support you to more compassionately and authentically be yourself and know yourself – so you can be happier as you shine more of your light in the world.

My approach has developed through working with people for over fifteen years. It’s based in these principles.


Love is a powerful healer, softening resistance and tension. Compassion makes it easier to be with yourself.

Inner Space

By lightening the load you carry, you get more access to the true you.

Honoring You

Our connection centers in what’s present for you, and what you’re wanting.

A Powerful Healing Art

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing holistically supports you on all levels, including emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and more. I combine it with compassionate presence, to nurture a safe space in which you can heal and deepen into your true self.

Transformation: Support Over Time

Customized support for your journey to more compassionately and authentically be yourself and know yourself – so you can be happier as you shine more of your light in the world.

Six or three 70 minute one-on-one distance healing sessions.

See More

Bite-Sized Support: As You Need It

Support as you need it, for your journey to more compassionately and authentically be yourself and know yourself – so you can be happier as you shine more of your light in the world.

70 minute one-on-one distance healing session.

See More

[Megumi] helped and guided me through this dark period of my life where I was grieving the loss of my father. She helped me seeing the importance of feeling all the emotions and releasing them as we worked together…. She listens with her open heart and guides with ease and gentleness that no one else has done for me.
– Chia R., mother

One of my favorite parts of receiving your Vortex work and other healings, is that I am rarely even able to recall what seemed like such big issues after the healing is complete. Being able to move on from an issue without retaining any friction around it is one of the best gifts I have ever received.
– Shannon Hernandez, Intuitive Healer

Megumi works with individuals of any gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, spirituality or religion.

®”VortexHealing” is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit